Monday, October 18, 2010

Film Noir

A short group project pertaining to cinematography. My group was given the genre of Film Noir. This had to be completed in 48 hours.

Kenetic Typography

A type animation created with Adobe After Effects. I was only allowed to use typography to animate the lyrics of a music file. I chose the song "Cells" by a band named The Servant

Friday, October 15, 2010


3D Environment

My first modeling experience using Autodesk Maya. I had to choose an environment and model certain aspects of it. I chose to model my dorm room.

Book Cover Series

I chose the author W.E.B Du Bois and researched three of his works. I developed a series of covers that all had a common theme. Designed using Adobe InDesign.

Educational Poster

An poster on the element Mercury and an interesting fact about it. Designed in Adobe Illustrator.

Country Currency

To go along with the Country Poster, I designed two forms of currency.

Country Travel Poster

A travel poster designed in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for Tokyo.

Compound Word Logo

An icon designed in Adobe Illustrator to fit a compound word. The word I chose is Arrowhead.

Live Stop Motion

A stop motion of me taking a nice walk through the woods. It is entitled, An Interesting Meeting.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Storyboard/ Comic

A storyboard of scenario with a twisted ending.

Character Design

A character I developed and created a background story for.

Object Stop Motion

A stop motion created using cut pieces of paper.

Bouncing Ball

A short exercise in Adobe Flash animating a bouncing ball.

Inanimate Object

A hand drawn animation of a lifeless object. I chose to use a sack of flour and make it go through a series of emotions.

Walk Cycle

This is a hand drawn walk cycle. I developed a character and gave him a specific walk.